Tag: Sep 2022

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    Avro Anson I

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    Avro Anson I

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    Avro Anson I

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    Avro Anson I

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    McDonall Douglas F-4M Phantom

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    McDonall Douglas F-4M Phantom

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    McDonall Douglas F-4M Phantom

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    Buccaneer S2C

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    Buccaneer S2C

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    Buccaneer S2C

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    Buccaneer S2C

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    Alouette III

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    Alouette III

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    Alouette III

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    Orion Shuttle from 2001:A Space Odyssey

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    Orion Shuttle from 2001:A Space Odyssey

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    Orion Shuttle from 2001:A Space Odyssey

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    Jagermeister Porsche

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    Jagermeister Porsche

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    Jagermeister Porsche

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    BR 13T Goods Wagon

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    BR 13T Goods Wagon

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    VC-1370 Air Force One

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    VC-1370 Air Force One

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    BR 14T Steel Open and BR 12T Goods Van

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    BR 14T Steel Open and BR 12T Goods Van

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    1968 Oldsmobile Tornado

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    1968 Oldsmobile Tornado

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    1968 Oldsmobile Tornado

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    1968 Oldsmobile Tornado

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    Challenger 2 TES

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    Challenger 2 TES

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    Challenger 2 TES

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    Marder III

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    Marder III

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    Marder III

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    Challenger 2 Digi

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    Challenger 2 Digi

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    Challenger 2 Digi

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    Canadair CL-144 Challenger

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    Canadair CL-144 Challenger

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    Canadair CL-144 Challenger

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    Sea Fury

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    Sea Fury

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    Sea Fury

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    IM-99B Bomarc

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    IM-99B Bomarc

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    Vertol 107-9

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    Vertol 107-9

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    Vertol 107

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    Vertol 107

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    Lancaster Mk 10

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    Lancaster Mk 10

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    Lancaster Mk 10

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    David receiving the trophy from Eric

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    The trophy with the winning model